
Portfolio MACRONET – Our algorithm to protect your wealth

portfolio macronet

What did you do in Aug. 2015, Jan. 2016 and Dec 2018 when the US stock market declined 15% each time?  What was your strategy?  Did you think your portfolio was “safe”, but realized it was not?  Were you told to just “hold-on”?

At Blue Chip Macro, the key is understanding risk (losing money) before it happens and have a plan for when it happens.  As such, we both need to be on the same page in regards to how much risk want to take, how much risk you should take and how much risk you need to take to meet your goals.

financial expert

Once we know your risk profile then we can invest accordingly.  However, at times, the stock market can be volatile.  Our reponse to that is Portfolio MACRONET.  Portfolio MACRONET is our patent pending risk management algorithm that protects your wealth.  We monitor and analyze the global financial markets 24 hours a day with our analysts in Los Angeles, London, New Delhi and Shanghai.

As the market declines, we do not sit idle or ask you to hold-on.  We act as the Portfolio MACRONET algorithm adjusts your investments to protect your wealth.

Sleep safe and secure with Portfolio MACRONET.


Macro Protection

Blue Chip Macro is a Registerd Investment Advisor that was founded in 2002 and is based in Santa Monica, California and primarily serves the greater Los Angeles area.  We offer financial planning, business consulting, money management and many other financial services.  If you want to learn more about investing in stocks, asset management, or wealth management please contact us for a free consultation.